(i) A student who has taken admission to the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (General)/BBA/BCA/Honours course
will be eligible to appear in an examination if he/she has attended not less than 75% of the lectures delivered in
theory/practicals and has completed requirements of Internal Assessment;
(ii) A student will be eligible for promotion from Semester-I to II, Semester-III to IV if he/she
hasa) secured pass marks in Internal Assessment of all the subjects/papers of the Semester-I/III as the case may
be. b) has appeared in the Semester End examination of Semester-I/III as the case may be.
(iii) A student will be eligible for promotion from Semester-II to III and Semester IV to V
provided he/she has passed atleast 75% of the subjects/papers of theory/practicals (separately) of Semester-I/III
as the case may be and passed in Internal Assessment of all subjects/papers of Semester–II/IV as the case may be.
(iv) A student will be eligible for promotion from Semester-V to VI provided he/she has passed in
all subjects/papers of Semester-I and Semester-III. Provided that a student who does not fulfill the promotion
criteria (ii), (iii) & (iv) above shall be declared fail in the semester concerned. However, he/she shall have
the option to retain the marks in the papers in which he/she has secured Pass marks as per Statute 37.
(v) A student who has to reappear in a subject/paper prescribed for Semester-I to IV shall appear
in the subsequent Semester examination to be held as per the dates prescribed by the University.
(vi) A student who has to reappear in a subject(s)/paper(s) prescribed for Semester-V & VI
shall appear in the supplementary examination.